Women of Grace
Every woman has something in her life that is broken and needs to be covered by God’s grace. None of us have lived perfect or pristine lives. We all have baggage in our past, secrets in our closets, or hurts in our hearts. The Lord, however, eagerly waits to cover our lives with grace. He reaches into our pit and redeems. He uses the difficult events of our lives to bring hope to others–simply by grace.
Eight imperfect women in the lineage of Christ prove that no one is beyond the grace of God. Using the genealogy of Jesus as recorded in the gospel of Matthew, Jennifer explores the Biblical accounts of these eight women, illustrating each with pieces of her own story and bringing home the truth; God’s grace is bigger than our choices.
Women of Hope
Everyone needs hope. It’s essential for survival and yet many of us feelhopeless, often putting our hope in people or things that can’t deliver. Seven women in Scripture who wrestle with God’s promise of hope are the focus of Jennifer’s newest book.While reading Women of Hope, you will grow to love Hagar, Naomi, Hannah, Anna, Martha, the woman at the well, and Mary Magdalene. They are women like us—women who need hope in troubled times. You will feel their hurt, sense their struggles, and ultimately rejoice in their hope. Like these seven women, you will gain a fresh understanding that Christ is the anchor for the soul and in Him we are indeed Women of Hope..
Mujeres De Gracia
Mujeres de Gracia is available as a free download. The file is small enough to download to any electronic device. While the book is copyrighted material, it is also a gift from Word of Joy to anyone who desires it. I pray it will be a blessing to Spanish readers everywhere.
Please click here to view or download your free copy.